4 month old Lagotto Romagnolo puppies born December 18, 2023. The puppies have a health card (with current vaccinations), a chip (registered in RECS), a type A pedigree, female or male. Color: white-orange or prickly brown. Pedigree parents have a performa...
FCI (Poland) we have beautiful energetic, healthy, well-socialized Lagotto Romagnolo puppies. First puppies for our girl 2.5 years old Sissy - chocolate brown Lagotto (imported from Bulgaria). Both parents have had Breed Profiles and genetic Testing done....
In our home kennel Moonland FCI (Poland) we have Lagotto Romagnolo puppies. Our kennel is registered in the Kennel Club in Poland, which is a member of the International Cynological Federation FCI. By taking a dog from our kennel, you are 100% sure of the...