• This classified was updated more than 1 year ago.

Lagotto Romagnolo puppies pedigree FCI


In our home kennel Moonland FCI (Poland) we have Lagotto Romagnolo puppies.

Our kennel is registered in the Kennel Club in Poland, which is a member of the International Cynological Federation FCI. By taking a dog from our kennel, you are 100% sure of the purity of the breed.

Our Stella (Betty Boop) (imported from Serbia) became a mother for the first time, and the father is a beautiful and titled stud - Fabio z krainy Narwi (Grand Champion, Polish Champion, Multi BOB, 4th place on Craft in Champion class, Winner Poland, Club Winner, started Slovakian Championship).

Puppies born on 10.06.2023- 5 girls and 3 boys.
Parents are healthy, with a complete set of genetic tests, free from dysplasia.
Mother - HD B, ED 0/0, JE clear, Lagotto Storage Disease clear, FF clear, HUU clear
Father - HD A, ED 0/0, JE clear, Lagotto Storage Disease clear, FF clear, HU clear.

Puppies in our kennel are born at home and raised in excellent conditions. The dogs are fully socialized, they have constant contact with adults, children and other dogs.

They are under veterinary and behavioral care from the beginning.

Puppies to be picked up will be the end of August 2023, after the review of the litter.
They will receive EU Passport, FCI pedigree, starter pack, health book.
They will be dewormed, chipped and vaccinated according to their age.

Feel free to contact people ready to give puppies a loving home. If you are interested, we invite you to visit our kennel to get to know the breed up close.

For more information, whatsapp: +48 601890629

We also invite you to our social media profile:
fb: Stella Lagotto Romagnolo – Moonland FCI
Instagram: bella_stella_lagotto

Category: Puppies for sale
Pedigree certificate: With certificate of origin
Breed: Romagna Water Dog (298)
Breed note: White and brown
Gender: Male, Female
Birthdate: 10.06.2023
Price: 1300 EUR


Website: https://www.moonlandfci.pl/
Social network: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077535529341
Place: Bielsko-Biała
Country: Poland


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