• This classified was updated more than 1 year ago.

Champion class Hungarian Vizsla puppies


Champion class Hungarian Vizsla puppies. Mother Neva Mažas Brolis - Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian and Baltic champion. Both parent lines have national and international champions. Father Malomkozi Pompas II is from Hungary - International Champion and Serbian Champion. A line of the best Hungarian Vizsla has been created over many generations, all of whom have hunting dog working diplomas.
Both parents have excellent health test results for joint dysplasia-HD-A; ED-0
The puppies will be able to go to their new owners after August 1.
Puppies will be wormed, vaccinated, chipped. They will have vaccination passports and pedigrees. More pictures in facebook, also can send in email and whatsapp.

Email: pozharnovs@inbox.lv

Čempionu klases Ungāru vižlas kucēni. Māte Neva Mažas Brolis- Latvijas, Lietuvas, Igaunijas un Baltijas čempione. Pa abām vecāku līnijām ir nacionālie un starptautiskie čempioni. Tēvs Malomkozi Pompas II ir no Ungārijas - Starptautiskais čempions un Serbijas čempions. Daudzās paaudzēs veidota labāko Ungārijas vižlu līnija, kurā visiem ir medību suņu darba diplomi.
Abiem vecākiem ir izcili veselības pārbaužu rezultāti uz locītavu displāziju- HD-A; ED-0
Kucēni varēs doties pie jaunajiem saimniekiem pēc 1. augusta.
Kucēni būs attārpoti, vakcinēti, čipēti. Tiem būs potēšanas pases un ciltsraksti.


Category: Puppies for sale
Pedigree certificate: With certificate of origin
Breed: Hungarian Short-Haired Pointing Dog (057)
Breed note: Short haired
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 29.05.2023
Price: 1000 EUR


Contact person: Andrejs
Phone: +37128692780
Social network: https://www.facebook.com/andrejs.pozarnovs
Place: Latvia, Baldone
Country: Latvia

Latvia, Baldone

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